Page 10 - BK ktp prerelease drill guide
P. 10
ED DOUBLES: From the left Eyeguards strongly
recommended around
Man and woman are positioned as shown. the Knight Trainer Pro
- Shot#1 from the KTP is a net shot to the middle
- Shot#2 is randomly a drive to the man or a net shot to the woman R
- Shot#3 is a net shot to the players’ far left, LNET3
- If shot#2 was RNET3 or RDR3, then the man will go to LNET3
- If shot#2 was RNET2, then the woman will go to LNET3.
The pattern repeats a total of 10 times.
Easier? RDR3
Adjust the shots to be
H6.5ft / H198 cm
easier. N8ft / N244cm
Allow more time. L2.5ft / L75cm
between shots.
Reduce time
between shots.
Adjust shots to be
more difficult.
Here is the Playlist for this PLAYLIST Time Delta Shot
drill. You can change any of L1 Loop 10 Times - Start
Group: Each time
the intervals, increase or the Playlist reaches 2.0 CTRNET
decrease the looping, delete a Group, only one G1 Group Start
or insert any of the existing shot is randomly 1.5 RNET2
shots, or create and add new selected from the 1.5 RDR3
Group and the drill G1 Group End
ones. Adding a shot to a continues to the 1.5 LNET3
group more than once next item after the 2.0 CTRNET
Group. G2 Group Start
increases the chances of that 1.5 RNET3
shot being played. 1.5 RDR3
G2 Group End
1.5 LNET3
L1 Loop Ends
recommended around
Man and woman are positioned as shown. the Knight Trainer Pro
- Shot#1 from the KTP is a net shot to the middle
- Shot#2 is randomly a drive to the man or a net shot to the woman R
- Shot#3 is a net shot to the players’ far left, LNET3
- If shot#2 was RNET3 or RDR3, then the man will go to LNET3
- If shot#2 was RNET2, then the woman will go to LNET3.
The pattern repeats a total of 10 times.
Easier? RDR3
Adjust the shots to be
H6.5ft / H198 cm
easier. N8ft / N244cm
Allow more time. L2.5ft / L75cm
between shots.
Reduce time
between shots.
Adjust shots to be
more difficult.
Here is the Playlist for this PLAYLIST Time Delta Shot
drill. You can change any of L1 Loop 10 Times - Start
Group: Each time
the intervals, increase or the Playlist reaches 2.0 CTRNET
decrease the looping, delete a Group, only one G1 Group Start
or insert any of the existing shot is randomly 1.5 RNET2
shots, or create and add new selected from the 1.5 RDR3
Group and the drill G1 Group End
ones. Adding a shot to a continues to the 1.5 LNET3
group more than once next item after the 2.0 CTRNET
Group. G2 Group Start
increases the chances of that 1.5 RNET3
shot being played. 1.5 RDR3
G2 Group End
1.5 LNET3
L1 Loop Ends