Page 13 - BK ktp prerelease drill guide
P. 13
VES FROM CENTRE Eyeguards strongly
recommended around
This drill begins with an 8 second pause, followed by a mid court clear. The player smashes the clear the Knight Trainer Pro
and then advances, attacking a random series of 20 soft and hard drives ending with 2 weak shots
near the net that the player can put away. There is another 8 second pause and the drill repeats one R
time and then ends.

Below, the back shuttle is the mid-court clear, smashed to start the drill. The 2 rows of 3 represent 6
different drives, the back row being harder drives. After 20 drives from these 6 shots, the 2 closest to
the net are fed loosely to end the Loop.

Easier? Attack R
Remove shots. these
Adjust the shots to be 2 shots Smash
to finish this clear
easier. to start
Allow more time. the drill
between shots.

Reduce intervals.

Add shots.
Make shots more


H65in / H165cm
N10ft / N305cm
L10ft / L305cm


Here is the Playlist for this R = Right PLAYLIST
drill. You can change any of L = Left
Time Delta Shot
the intervals, increase or CTR = Centre L3 Loop 2 Times - Start
decrease the looping, delete DR = Drive 8.0 3/4 clear
or insert any of the existing L1 Loop 20 Times - Start
shots, or create and add new G1 Group Start
1.5 RDR1hard
ones. 1.5 CTRDRhard
1.5 LDR1hard
1.5 RDR1easy
1.5 CTRDReasy
1.5 LDR1easy
G1 Group End
L1 Loop End
L2 Loop 2 Times - Start
G2 Group Start

1.5 RNET1
1.5 LNET1

G2 Group End
L2 Loop End
L3 Loop End
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18